The Clockwerk Dress: Fabrics and Gears and Boots, Oh My!

The Fabrics


The Gears


A few Clockwerk bits . . . tick-tick-tick . . .


Gilting the boots!


Two Willa impersonator’s means two pairs of boots. C is a good bit taller than J. So, one pair of short heels (above) . . . and one pair high (below).





The Magnificent Lady Grayson of the Silky White Underbelly, or Just Grayson for Short


The Magnificent Lady Grayson of the Silky White 
Underbelly, or Just Grayson for Short

We were due at the hall in less than an hour, and my cat, The Magnificent Lady Grayson of the Silky White Underbelly, or Just Grayson for Short, was mixing up my mother’s speaking notes by employing her claws to simulate a Cuisinart. Shredded papers were flying everywhere.

Excerpt from Willa Snap and the Clockwerk Boy, by Richard Due, illustrations by Carolyn Arcabascio Illustration. (Coming Dec 2017.)